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Alfred Russel Wallace A Pioneer In Biogeography

The Geographical Distribution of Animals

Alfred Russel Wallace: A Pioneer in Biogeography

Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) was a renowned British biologist and explorer. Although he independently developed theories of evolution, his work was overshadowed by the prominence of Charles Darwin's research. Nevertheless, Wallace's contributions to biogeography, the study of the geographic distribution of species, remain significant.

Zoogeography: The Study of Animal Distribution

Zoogeography is a branch of biogeography that focuses on understanding the distribution of animal species across the globe. Biogeography, in turn, investigates the factors that influence the geological distribution of all species, including both biotic (living organisms) and abiotic (non-living) factors. Some species are endemic, meaning they are only found in specific regions.

Species distribution, also known as species dispersion, refers to the spatial arrangement of biological taxa. The geographic limits of a particular taxon's distribution define its range.
