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Cryptocurrency 2018 Bull Run

Historical Crypto Bear and Bull Runs

Bull Runs and Bear Markets

The cryptocurrency market has experienced several bull runs and bear markets over its history. A bull run is a period of sustained price increases, while a bear market is a period of sustained price decreases.

The most notable bull run in cryptocurrency history began in 2017 and reached its peak in January 2018. During this time, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) rose from around $1,000 to over $20,000.

The 2018 bear market began in January 2018 and lasted until December 2018. During this time, the price of Bitcoin fell from over $20,000 to around $3,600.

Factors That Drive Bull and Bear Runs

Several factors can drive bull runs and bear markets in the cryptocurrency market. These factors include:

  • Institutional investment: When large institutions, such as hedge funds and pension funds, start investing in cryptocurrency, it can lead to a bull run.
  • Media hype: Positive media coverage about cryptocurrency can attract new investors and drive up prices.
  • Technological advancements: New technological developments, such as the development of new blockchain protocols, can also lead to bull runs.
  • Economic conditions: Economic conditions can also affect the cryptocurrency market. For example, a period of economic uncertainty can lead to a bear market as investors sell their risky assets, including cryptocurrency.


Bull runs and bear markets are a normal part of the cryptocurrency market. While bull runs can be exciting, it is important to remember that they can also be followed by bear markets. Investors should be aware of the risks involved in investing in cryptocurrency and should only invest what they can afford to lose.
